Stress Matters

What is the Stress Matters Course?

Our stress matters course consists of 6 weekly sessions based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that some thoughts and feelings can trap you in a negative cycle. Each session covers a different topic and lasts for two hours including a short comfort break in the middle. The course is designed to provide you with the information and skills needed to effectively manage symptoms of stress, such as; low mood, anxiety, and sleep problem to name just a few.

The course is run by two Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs) who have specialist training in supporting people with common mental health difficulties.

Suitable candidates for the course will be identified at either assessment, during a waiting list review, or at the start of treatment.

The course will be run remotely so access to a device capable of making video calls (a mobile phone, laptop, tablet, desktop computer with camera) and an internet connection will be required. Resources will be available online and you will be asked to complete a weekly set of questionnaires to help you monitor progress, so access to the internet and a work email address will also be required.

Course Overview

Session 1:  Managing the Physical Symptoms

  • Common symptoms of low mood & anxiety
  • Cognitive Behavioural Approach – 5 Areas.
  • Role of the Fight or Flight response.
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Exercise & physical activity
  • Goal setting

Session 2: Sleep and Low Mood

  • Understanding Sleep.
  • Improving Sleep.
  • How depression affects behaviour.
  • Behavioural Activation & selfcare

Session 3: Managing Thoughts

  • The link between our thoughts & stress.
  • Recognise unhelpful thinking patterns.
  • ‘Quick fix’ Questions.
  • Thinking our way out of stress.
  • Positive data logging

Session 4: Managing Behaviours

  • The link between our actions & stress
  • Avoidance, escape, & safety behaviours
  • Facing our fears

Session 5: Worry

  • What is worry and why we do it?
  • How to recognise our worry
  • Managing worry
  • Problem Solving

Session 6: Panic and Relapse Prevention

  • Understanding panic and hyperventilation
  • Planning for the future
  • 5 areas Model Review

Post Course Review: If required a post course review will be offered