Self Referral
There are three ways in which you can refer into our service:
- Using the automated referral assistant button.
This option will save you time at your initial assessment and you will be provided with free access to the WYSA Everyday Mental Health App.
This is an AI-based “emotionally intelligent” app that responds to the emotions you express. It uses evidence-based cognitive-behavioural techniques, dialectical behaviour therapy, meditation, breathing, yoga, motivational interviewing and micro-actions to help you build mental resilience skills and feel better.
Please be aware that this is an automated chat and your responses may not be viewed until you are booked in to see a clinician. - Completing our online self-referral form.
- Telephoning our referral centre on 02476 671 090 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm).
We see people who are aged 16 and over, registered with a GP in Coventry, Warwickshire, or Solihull and who are not currently being seen by another mental health team.
We are not a crisis service. If you need immediate assistance, because you feel you might be a risk to yourself or someone else, please call 111 and select the mental health option.